High-quality nature data in one place, driving savings and ROI

We aggregate all of the data required for your nature-related advisory services and apply appropriate materiality thresholds to ensure your metric selection is defensible, repeatable and audit-proof.

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Dark photograph of feathers overlayed with white outlines

Your long-term nature intelligence partner

You focus on the client
We deliver the data

Save time and money

We’ve seen a >75% increase in time saved with our consulting partners compared with manually sourcing data from individual partners

Improve the quality of your insight

Embed world-leading nature intelligence across a range of advisory workflows, unlocking client access to best-in-class insights.

Empower generalist consultants

Enable your generalist project teams to work on nature topics with support from world-leading experts in biodiversity, soil science, hydrology and ecology.

Screenshot of the Natcap overview page
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) logoTaskforce on nature-related financial disclosures (TNFD) logo

Framework aligned

We specifically align with the metrics required by TNFD and CSRD. Free tools have a specific focus (biodiversity and water) and are not sufficient to meet all of TNFD and CSRD requirements.

Screenshot of the natcap metric selection

Superior metric selection

We have developed >40 TNFD and CSRD-aligned metrics. Among this metric catalogue, Natcap has developed several proprietary models, that plug critical gaps in the TNFD and CSRD data landscape.

Collection of data source logos

Diverse data sources

Our metrics incorporate all of the freely available data sources into one single platform, ensuring all of our metrics use the most accurate, spatially precise and up-to-date datasets.

Screenshot of Natcap's map feature

Granular data

We provide data with far higher spatial resolution than free tools. Finer resolution data is crucial for understanding the significance of our impacts and dependencies on nature.

Screenshot of Natcap risk severity

Useful insight layers

Our product includes a range of insight layers that make the raw metric-level data useful for clients looking to use it for reporting, risk management, or target setting.

Screenshot of Natcap platform's metric overlay

Easy to use interface

Enjoy the ability to drill down into each metric, and explore the data at the site and aggregated portfolio level. Easily upload, compare, and analyse nature metrics across high volumes of sites.

Cloud security logoNatcap full logo

Robust data security

We’ve invested heavily in meeting corporate-grade security requirements with respect to data security and privacy. This is critical given the sensitive nature of site location data required for nature analysis.

Screenshot of the Natcap product map.

Customisable to your needs

Analyse the area you need. You can upload Areas of Interest (AOIs) as polygons or point coordinates.

Access all the metrics you need for ESRS E4: Biodiversity and Ecosystems

We’ve partnered with IBAT so that you and your clients can access the world’s leading global biodiversity datasets natively in our platform.

As part of the ESRS E4 topical standard, all organisations will be required or advised to measure their proximity to biodiversity-sensitive areas.

You can now measure a range of different indicators and metrics that can only be assessed using IBAT’s data, directly in our platform, including:

  • Proximity to Biodiversity Sensitive Areas (terrestrial and marine/coastal)
  • Species Extinction Risk

As a Natcap user, you can access the World Database of Protected Areas, the IUCN Red List and the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas.

Make measuring at scale for ESRS E4 simple and highly cost-effective.

Get in touch

Got questions?

If you’re unsure about what you need to do to get ready for CSRD or TNFD, we’re happy to help. From understanding the LEAP approach to what a double-materiality assessment is.

Reach out to one of the team

Siobhan Stewart

Head of Science Delivery


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Dr Beccy Wilebore

Chief Science Officer


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Charles Shingles

Head of Sales & Partnerships


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