Align with the TNFD framework to integrate nature into decision-making

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The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is the leading initiative helping companies understand how they interact with nature.

It sets the bar for assessing and disclosing nature-related issues.

The TNFD is the nature counterpart of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Launched in June 2021, it provides a reporting and risk management framework for nature-related issues. Starting with the TNFD for your nature reporting can save you time and money as its outputs are relevant for all standards and the disclosure are easy to match to other standards.

Locate and prioritise

Quickly and reliably locate your interface with nature, across your direct operations and supply chain.

Identify and prioritise sites within your direct operations and products and commodities within your supply chain. This analysis is based on ecologically sensitive locations, identifying sites with expected material impacts and dependencies on nature, giving you all the information you need to make strategic decisions.

  • Prioritise sites in ecologically sensitive locations
  • Quickly focus on potential problem areas
  • Scalable and resource efficient

Evaluate impacts & dependencies

Identify and evaluate material impacts and dependencies on nature across your direct operations and supply chain.

Evaluate a range of impact drivers and dependencies that you may wish to focus on when assessing the risks and opportunities facing your organisation. Across your supply chain, you can assess region- and commodity-specific impacts on nature to identify alternative supply options and inform supplier engagement.

  • Understand materiality aligned to disclosure standards and frameworks
  • Identify potential risks and opportunities
  • Communicate the materiality of your impacts and dependencies

Assess risks & opportunities

Identify all the relevant risks and opportunities to your organisation, related to your impacts and dependencies.

Using Natcap’s information and insights, alongside knowledge on your own organisation, assess risks and opportunities across specific locations, to report on risk hotspots and your financial exposure.

  • Identify all relevant risks and opportunities
  • Rate the risks using Natcap’s information and insights focus on potential problem areas
  • Report on risk hotspots and financial exposure

How ready are you for TNFD?

Understand how prepared your organisation is to disclose against the TNFD recommendations.

It only takes a few minutes.

Get in touch

Got questions?

If you’re unsure about what you need to do to get ready for CSRD or TNFD, we’re happy to help. From understanding the LEAP approach to what a double-materiality assessment is.

Reach out to one of the team

Siobhan Stewart

Head of Science Delivery

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Dr Beccy Wilebore

Chief Science Officer

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Charles Shingles

Head of Sales & Partnerships

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What is the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures?

Download our guide to the TNFD's recommendations to measure, manage and report on their financial nature-related risks and opportunities.

Screenshot of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures